Java Starter Project

This repository contains an example application that connects to MongoDB Atlas using the Java MongoDB driver.

Richa Deshpande avatar
Written by Richa Deshpande
Updated over a week ago


  1. To build and run this project, you will need IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition for MacOS, Windows, or Linux. You can download it here.

  2. A working installation of the Java 8 JDK.

  3. A working installation of the Maven build system. (Your IntelliJ installation should include this)

It is also helpful, but not necessary, to have a working installation of Git version control.

Some of these tools may come pre-installed in your programming environment.

1. Download the Repository

To get started with this sample project, download this repository to your programming environment. You can either download this project using Git version control:

git clone

Or you can download a ZIP archive using your browser from GitHub. If you download this project as a ZIP archive, unzip the archive before proceeding.

2. Open the Project

  1. In IntelliJ, select File > Open...

  2. Navigate to the directory containing this project.

  3. Select the directory atlas_starter_java.

  4. Click OK.

3. Configure Maven

  1. In IntelliJ, click to expand the atlas_starter_java directory.

  2. Right click on the directory named src.

  3. Select Mark Directory as from the context menu.

  4. Select Sources Root.

4. Configure your Atlas Credentials

  1. Expand atlas_starter_java > src > main > java > mongodb > Main.

  2. Double-click Main.

  3. On the following lines in Main, replace the Atlas connection URI with your own from the Atlas UI.

// TODO: // Replace the placeholder connection string below with your // Altas cluster specifics. Be sure it includes // a valid username and password! Note that in a production environment, // you do not want to store your password in plain-text here. String mongoUri = "<Your Atlas Connection String>";

5. Run the Project

  1. Right click Main.

  2. Select Run 'Main.main()' from the context menu.

Congratulations! You have just connected to MongoDB Atlas using the Java MongoDB Driver! Try modifying the code to experiment with the Driver and MongoDB!

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